
3000 Series – Neutralizers – Clack Valve Platform

Your customers expect their water to be clear and clean throughout the home.  The UA 1000 series whole house neutralizers are designed to increase pH and eliminate the corrosive nature of acidic water. (pH of less than 7.0) A neutralizer will dramatically reduce the amount of copper, lead and other metals leaching from your customer’s plumbing system.  During neutralization calcium will be added to the water.

Standard Features

System Advantages

Clack Valve Features

System Notes:

Link to Clack NSF certified components

Link to Imerys (GA Marble) NSF certification.

1000 Series – Neutralizers – Fleck

Your customers expect their water to be clear and clean throughout the home.  The UA 1000 series whole house neutralizers are designed to increase pH and eliminate the corrosive nature of acidic water. (pH of less than 7.0) A neutralizer will dramatically reduce the amount of copper, lead and other metals leaching from your customer’s plumbing system.  During neutralization calcium will be added to the water.

Standard Features

System Advantages

Fleck Valve Features

System Notes:

1000 Series – Neutralizers – Clack Valve Platform

Your customers expect their water to be clear and clean throughout the home.  The UA 1000 series whole house neutralizers are designed to increase pH and eliminate the corrosive nature of acidic water. (pH of less than 7.0) A neutralizer will dramatically reduce the amount of copper, lead and other metals leaching from your customer’s plumbing system.  During neutralization calcium will be added to the water.

Standard Features

System Advantages

Clack Valve Features

System Notes: